a space of our own

Digital collage of books on a background of a purple sky and clouds
Mally Espaillat | April 13, 2020

ON BOOKS TO READ WHILE IN QUARANTINE, Or Books That Can Help You Feel Good Now and Later

By now, you’ve read all there is to know on the increasing numbers of COVID-19 cases in the US. You’ve refreshed your Twitter feed at least three times in a row before realizing that nothing new will appear on your screen. You knew not to wear masks before, and then you knew not to wear cloth masks, and now you know to make your own and send some off, if you can. You know essential workers are fighting to get hazard pay. You know how the virus does discriminate. You know that you don’t know how long this will last. Read More

Digital collage of a space and pastel desert landscape with a looming clock and person looking out
Mally Espaillat | March 18, 2020

ON BEING HOME DURING A PANDEMIC, Or a Few Ways to Take Care of Yourself That Don’t Involve Being Busy

I’d like to start this off with an acknowledgment of the current situation. COVID-19 has been declared a pandemic by WHO, Italy has been placed on mandatory quarantine, and the numbers of those affected are increasing. The CDC, local governments, and health professionals at large are calling for people to engage in social distancing and isolation; basically, staying home as much as possible. Read More

Collage of two people looking up into a computer, assembly line, and signs of work
Mally Espaillat | February 26, 2020

AGAINST PRODUCTIVITY, Or Why Your Job Probably Doesn’t Matter More Than You Do

Picture this: you’re on your 30 minute lunch break, unsure what you should do. Where are you? You’re walking out of the sticky tacky office building that houses your less-than-living wage 9-5 day job, slightly recoiling from the sunshine. You decide to drive to that $14 salad place with the $16 left in your bank account but you keep getting Slack notifications from your boss. You mark yourself as unavailable when you notice that you have the red circle of life/death hovering over your other gig’s scheduling app. You tell yourself to just answer it once you’re out of the car, but the traffic light’s red. What are you gonna do? Just sit there? Read More